What are the differences between DELF A2 and B1?


You have to take the DELF exam for personal or professional reasons, to demonstrate your French skills but you don’t know the differences between A2 and B1?

If you are not sure what level skill to choose, our DELF tutor will assess you to find the specific level you would need to qualify for.
At French via skype, we offer online French courses in preparation for the DELF A2 and B1 exams, guaranteeing you 100% success!

In this post we will examine the differences between DELF A2 and B1


At the DELF A2 level, you are a candidate who is comfortable engaging in basic conversations and can handle simple interactions in French.
You have a basic understanding of grammar and vocabulary, allowing you to express yourself in familiar everyday situations.
While your language skills are still developing, you can communicate effectively in a limited range of topics, such as introducing yourself, talking about your daily routine, hobbies, and interests, asking for and providing simple information, and expressing preferences and opinions.
You may make occasional errors in grammar and pronunciation, but you are able to convey your message and understand simple spoken and written texts with some support.
Overall, you demonstrate a willingness to communicate in French and are on your way to becoming a more proficient speaker.

The DELF A2 exam lasts around 1h30 and is divided in 4 parts :

  • Listening Comprehension (Compréhension de l'oral)
    Approximately 20 minutes.
    Candidates listen to recordings of everyday conversations, announcements, and short texts and answer multiple-choice questions based on what they hear.
  • Reading Comprehension (Compréhension des écrits)
    Approximately 30 minutes.
    Candidates read short texts, such as emails, advertisements, and simple articles, and answer multiple-choice questions or fill-in-the-blank exercises.
  • Writing (Production écrite)
    Approximately 45 minutes.
    Candidates write two short texts, such as a postcard, email, or letter, based on prompts provided. One text is usually informal, while the other may be more structured (e.g., a message requesting information).
  • Speaking (Production orale)
    Approximately 6 to 8 minutes per pair of candidates.
    Candidates participate in a spoken interaction with an examiner and another candidate. They engage in a conversation based on a picture or a visual stimulus, answer questions about themselves and their interests, and express opinions on various topics.


At the DELF B1 level, you are a candidate who is already proficient in French at an intermediate level.
You can comfortably engage in conversations on a variety of topics, both familiar and unfamiliar, and express your ideas and opinions with relative ease.
Your understanding of grammar and vocabulary allows you to communicate effectively in everyday situations, as well as in some professional and academic contexts. While you may still make occasional errors, particularly in more complex structures or idiomatic expressions, you demonstrate a good command of the language overall. Additionally, you can understand the main points of written and spoken texts on a range of subjects, and you're able to produce coherent written and spoken responses independently.
Overall, you're on your way to becoming a more fluent and confident French speaker.

The DELF B1 exam lasts around 1h30 and is divided in 4 parts :

  • Listening Comprehension (Compréhension de l'oral)
    Approximately 25 minutes.
    Candidates listen to a series of recordings of various spoken texts, such as conversations, interviews, announcements, etc. They then answer questions or complete tasks based on the information they heard.
  • Reading Comprehension (Compréhension des écrits)
    Approximately 35 minutes.
    Candidates read several texts, such as articles, advertisements, and informational texts. They answer questions or complete tasks based on the content of the texts.
  • Writing (Production écrite)
    Approximately 45 minutes.
    Candidates are required to write two pieces of writing, such as an email, a letter, or an essay. They express opinions, provide information, or respond to a given prompt.
  • Speaking (Production orale)
    Approximately 12 minutes per pair of candidates.
    Candidates engage in a conversation with an examiner and another candidate. They discuss various topics, such as personal experiences, opinions, or hypothetical situations. They are assessed on their ability to communicate effectively, express ideas clearly, and interact with others.

To resume the key differences between DELF A2 and B1

The A2 and B1 levels in language proficiency represent different stages of mastery, with B1 being a higher level than A2. Here are the key differences between the A2 and B1 levels:

  1. Complexity of Language Use:
    • At the A2 level, language use is basic and limited to simple, predictable situations. Learners can handle familiar topics such as personal information, daily routines, and basic needs.
    • At the B1 level, language use becomes more complex and varied. Learners can engage in conversations on a wider range of topics, express opinions, and give reasons for their views. They can also handle most situations encountered while traveling or living in a French-speaking environment.
  2. Grammar and Vocabulary:
    • At the A2 level, learners have a basic grasp of grammar and use simple sentence structures. Vocabulary is limited but sufficient for everyday communication.
    • At the B1 level, learners have a more extensive vocabulary and a better understanding of grammar. They can use a variety of tenses and structures to express themselves more fluently and accurately.
  3. Listening and Reading Comprehension:
    • At the A2 level, learners can understand simple spoken and written texts on familiar topics, provided the language is clear and slow. They may need repetition or clarification for more complex information.
    • At the B1 level, learners can understand the main points of spoken and written texts on a variety of topics, including abstract and non-routine information. They can follow extended conversations and narratives with some effort.
  4. Speaking and Writing Skills:
    • At the A2 level, learners can communicate in basic conversations and write short texts on familiar topics. They can convey simple messages and provide basic information about themselves and their surroundings.
    • At the B1 level, learners can engage in more extended conversations, express opinions, and provide detailed information. They can also write coherent texts, such as letters, emails, and essays, with some complexity and organization.
  5. Autonomy and Independence:
    • At the A2 level, learners rely more on memorized phrases and formulaic expressions to communicate. They may require more guidance and support from native speakers or teachers.
    • At the B1 level, learners demonstrate greater autonomy and independence in their language use. They can initiate and sustain conversations, participate actively in group discussions, and navigate real-life situations more confidently.

Overall, the differences between the A2 and B1 levels lie in the complexity of language use, proficiency in grammar and vocabulary, comprehension skills, and ability to communicate effectively in various contexts.

Why take the DELF A2 and B1 exams?

Taking the DELF A2 and DELF B1 exams can offer several benefits:

  • Official Recognition: The DELF exams are internationally recognized certifications issued by the French Ministry of Education. Achieving certification at the A2 or B1 level demonstrates your proficiency in French and can be beneficial for academic, professional, and personal purposes : If you plan to study at a French-speaking university or institution, having a DELF A2 or B1 certification can demonstrate your language proficiency and improve your chances of admission. Some universities may require applicants to have a certain level of French proficiency, and a DELF certificate can fulfill this requirement.
  • Professional Development: Many employers value language skills, especially in multilingual or international environments. Having a DELF certification on your resume can enhance your job prospects, particularly if you're seeking employment where French language skills are beneficial or required.
  • Personal Growth: Learning a new language and achieving proficiency can be personally rewarding. Taking the DELF exams provides a tangible goal to work towards and validates your progress and accomplishments in French language learning.
  • Immigration and Citizenship: In some cases, proficiency in French may be required for immigration or citizenship purposes in French-speaking countries : DELF B1 is necessary for residency or citizenship applications in some countries like Switzerland, or Luxembourg.

Overall, taking the DELF A2 and DELF B1 exams can open up opportunities for academic advancement, career development, personal growth, and international mobility. It provides a standardized measure of your French language skills, which can be valuable in various contexts.

You are motivated and you feel ready to prepare for the DELF exam ?
At French via Skype, our highly experimented DELF French tutor helps you prepare for the DELF A2 and B1 exams, guaranteeing you 100% success!

At French via Skype, our French tutor is a native French with international experience with more than 15 years’ teaching French in Europe and has had the opportunity to accompany many students (adult and children) in order to best support them in their learning of French.
Certified in FLE (French as a Foreign Language), our French tutor has great expertise in the different levels of French required and will be able to guide you throughout your learning of the language so that your level meets the specific expectations of the DELF A2 and B1 exams knowing exactly what the difficulties may be for candidates preparing for exams of this type.

DELF courses with French via Skype, how does it work?

At French via Skype, we offer several DELF online courses for adult and children to choose from level A1 to C2 to obtain the best certificate grades as well as feel confident during the desired exam.

Our DELF courses are delivered online via Skype, Zoom or Teams or on the platform of your choice covering all aspects of the French language in order to best support you in your objectives.

Our DELF tuition is personalized, tailored to your specific needs and pace allowing you to achieve your goals more effectively than in a group or classroom setting.

  • We will design a personalized study plan for you, based on your specific needs and your language level.
  • We offer an effective preparation with tailored learning materials (full range of DELF A2 and B1 ressources and assessments).
  • Our French lessons target key areas such as listening, reading, writing and speaking and meticulously work on each grammar point ensure that each area meets the requirements required for the exam.
  • For homework, we will assign you work to practice grammar, develop your vocabulary and prepare written and oral comprehension, written and oral production tasks. The homework will then be prepared and reviewed.
  • We offer you great planning flexibility. Our French tutor is available all year, during the holidays and after work hours.

You don't know which DELF level to choose?

At French via Skype, we can assess your level of French and advise you on the appropriate exam based on your objectives in a realistic manner so that we can then put in place a teaching plan based on your level and the date of taking the exam, ensuring you the best success whether it is the DELF A2 or the DELF B1.

At French via Skype, we are happy to support French students taking the DELF exam to guarantee their success since 2014.

Below are some testimonials from students who prepared for DELF A2 and B1 with us.

" I began my lesson with Laure about a year ago. I had learnt some basic French. I wanted to restart my learning and toward DELF exam. Prior to it, I struggle to understand conversations or form the sentences properly. My oral conversation is my weaker link. Laure identifies the gap and structure our lesson accordingly. She helps me to prepare DELF A2 with lot of focus on my weaker area of oral conversation, and also improved my writing skills. I have improved tremendously and I aced my DELF exam with flying colours. Overall, I find her lessons to be of premier customised quality. She keeps me motived to continue learning at a suited pace. I highly recommend Laure's lessons. “

Karrish Tan
Senior revenue accountant - Sydney

" I began my lessons with Laure almost a year ago to improve my basic conversational French but ended up going for DELF A2 and aced it with a score of 96%. Her lessons are highly personalised and structured around gaps identified at each lesson. We usually begin the lesson with a recap of the previous, making sure that I am progressing at a comfortable pace. Overall, Laure is a fantastic, motivating and professional online French tutor whom I highly recommend. I am definitely not stopping here... DELF B1 here I come! "

Hui Tan
Clinical Research Associate - Sydney

“ I undertook 11 months of lessons to prepare the DELF B1 with Laure and was amazed by how much my French improved over this time. I had not studied French since high school, and prior to these lessons, could not have imagined being able to hold a conversation in French. Laure’s interactive and engaging lessons quickly became a highlight of my week. Laure emphasises practicing speaking the language - all our lessons were conducted completely in French and even during casual conversation, she encouraged discussion of sociopolitical issues. She has a lot of experience in preparing students for the DELF exams and her expertise in this area shone through during lessons as she guided us through the syllabus in a relatively short period of time. I highly recommend Laure for anyone considering learning French - she’s an extremely effective teacher and she gave me the confidence to continue developing my skills in the language.”

Dr Dana Lee
(DELF B1) - Melbourne

" I started learning French through group classes when I first moved to Geneva, but as I started to advance, I wanted to focus more intensely with grammar, writing and conversational skills. Laure immediately understood what I needed to work on as I explained that I would like to take the DELF exams and that French is critical for my career in the UN. She prepared me very well with the exam's reading and writing exercises, and fortunately, I was able to pass my DELF B1 exam. As I continue to work with her, I appreciate that she is a patient, very structured, and motivating teacher -- I would recommend Laure to anyone who wants to improve on French! "

Tomoka Nakamura
(DELF B1) UN staff, Geneva

If you are interested in arranging DELF A2 or B1 tuition, French via Skype offers several online DELF French courses designed to your needs and schedule to obtain the best grades for the desired exam as much as feeling confident throughout the exam.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us at French via Skype If you want to discuss your requirements with us, we will then be pleased to come up with a teaching plan for you.

À bientôt !