French connectors, essentials assets to succeed in your DELF exams!


French connectors are found in all conversations. As soon as you want to give an opinion, argue, talk about a consequence or express an additional idea. French connectors are everywhere. In French, they are called mots de liaison, or connecteurs logiques.

French connectors for your DELF exam : what are they for?

Practicing French connectors is particularly important if you are preparing for the DELF (Diplôme d'Études en Langue Française) exam.

French connectors:

  • create meaningful relationships between propositions or sentences.
  • organize a text and serve to articulate ideas.
  • mark the relationships between the ideas of the speaker.

The DELF exam assesses your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Written and oral tests require consistent organization in expressing your ideas, and the appropriate use of connectors is crucial to achieving this.

In the oral part of the Delf exam, you may be asked to discuss different topics, to improvise everyday situations, or to express your point of view in the form of a monologue or during the interview with the examiner in particular for the examination of B1, B2, as well as C1 and C2.

In the written part of the DELF exam, you are required to produce coherent and well-structured texts, such as argumentative essays or press articles, formal letters or reports.

DELF examiners therefore assess your ability to create coherent and cohesive texts and the appropriate use of connectors is one of their marking criteria. A proper use of French connectors in your oral and written productions will definitely improve your overall score.

List of French connectors:

The French connectors are divided into several categories, here is a list of useful for your DELF exam.

Tips for using French connectors properly during your DELF exam

To use French linking words properly, here are some tips to avoid making mistakes.

  • Use only the ones you know, there is no need to know them all by heart, a few by category will be enough to vary your vocabulary.
  • Watch out for the subjunctive! Not all linking words use the subjunctive after « que ».


  • Le soleil brille alors qu’il fait froid. → indicative
  • Elle nous aide afin que nous puissions réussir à nos examens. → subjunctive

Write a list of words to use as you speak, here are some examples of French connectors by categories:

  • To commence: “D’abord, je pense que…”, “En plus, cela voudrait dire que…”
  • To introduce disagreement: “Moi, par contre, je ne partage pas du tout cet avis.”, “Au contraire, je crois que…”
  • To express agreement: “En effet, je suis d’avis que…”
  • To express opposition: “Malgré ces avantages, des risques sont à observés.”
  • To express cause: “Grâce à ce projet, on pourrait…”, “À cause de ce changement, il serait nécessaire de…”
  • To conclude: “En conclusion, je pense que…”, “Pour finir, je ne suis vraiment pas d’accord avec le document, et je pense qu’au contraire…”, “Finalement, je trouve cette idée très interessante…”

Practice French connectors with French via Skype

Practice French connectors with our French tutor at French via Skype to succeed in your DELF exam!

At French via Skype, we offer online French courses in preparation for DELF/DALF exams, guaranteeing 100% success!

With several DELF and DALF online courses to choose from level A1 to C2 to obtain the best certificate grades as well as feel confident during the exam.

We provide a comprehensive range of materials and assessments to help you better understand the French language and pass the desired exam, our courses target key areas such as listening, reading, writing and speaking oral and work meticulously to ensure that each area meets the standards required for the DELF and DALF exams.

If you want to practice French connectors to prepare for your DELF exam, don’t hesitate to contact us at French via Skype, we will be happy to discuss your needs and develop a teaching plan for you.

À bientôt !