You are learning French and want to take the DELF B1 exam?
French via skype helps you prepare for the B1 speaking part, guaranteeing you 100% success!
In DELF exams, the speaking parts are often considered to be the most difficult exercise and therefore the test most feared by candidates. This is of course also the case for the DELF B1.
The oral DELF B1 is composed of three parts. For the first two parts you have no preparation time while for For the third and last part, which is the longest, you have ten minutes of preparation.
- Part 1: Guided interview / l’entretien dirigé (2 to 3 minutes)
- Part 2: Exercise in interaction / l’exercice en interaction (3 to 4 minutes)
- Part 3: Expression of a point of view / le monologue suivi (5 to 7 minutes)
In this article, we will focus on the third part of the DELF B1 oral exam: the expression of the point of view or commonly called “monologue suivi”.
What does the DELF B1 expression of a point of view consist of?
The expression of a point of view at level B1, involves the ability to express opinions, preferences, arguments, and ideas in a more detailed and structured manner than beginner levels (A1 and A2).
During this B1 oral part, you will be asked to express your opinion based on a document. The examiner will present you several small texts, you will have to draw lots, which you will scan quickly to finally select one.
You will then have 10 minutes to read the text, identify the main idea and prepare a 3 minute monologue.
Finally, the examiner will discuss this topic with you and will ask you some questions.
How to prepare for the DELF B1 expression of a point of view?
First of all, here are some skills that you will need to validate so that you can express your point of view effectively:
- Use varied language
Avoid repeating the same words and expressions. Incorporate synonyms and idiomatic expressions.
- Use logical connectors
To structure your speech, use logical connectors.
Ex: “En outre”, “Pourtant”, or “D'une part... d'autre part…”, “Tandis que” (while), etc…
- Express nuanced opinions with the use of concession phrases
You must be able to see different sides of a subject by expressing nuances in your point of view.
Ex: “ Bien que je comprenne..,” or “D'un côté... de l'autre côté..), " C'est vrai que... mais d'un autre côté......" (It's true that... but on the other hand...).
- Use appropriate conjugations
Use different verb tenses like past, present, future, conditional and subjunctive. These different conjugations can all be relevant depending on the subject.
Ex: “Quand j'étais jeune...”, or “ À l'avenir, je serai…” (In the future).
After reading the document, you will need to define the subject and underlining the key words.
You can also present the theme of the document in one sentence.
Then you will need to form an opinion : ask yourself questions on the subject covered, note the answers in the draft.
At the end, go over your answers to construct your monologue.
Here are some steps you can follow to best prepare the expression of your point of view:
- Organize your ideas using an outline
- Define the subject
- Give your opinion
- Justify
- Give examples
- Conclude
Choose your plan carefully
Developing a plan for a DELF B1 monologue is an important step in organizing your ideas and presenting your speech in a clear and structured way.
Preparation time is short (10 minutes).
You must be able to choose your plan quickly after reading the document.
If the theme is “neutral”, the pros/cons plan is often the most used.
On the contrary, if the theme is “negative” (e.g. obesity, food waste, pollution, etc.) then choose a plan like “problems/solutions”, or “causes/consequences”.
Be careful in 10 minutes you cannot write everything you are going to say. You need to make a plan with the main ideas.
Here is a plan for the DELF B1 expression of a point of view to download.
Steps to follow during the expression of your point of view
1. Greet the examiner
Bonjour madame / monsieur.
2. Presentation of the document
Use complete sentences to present the nature, source, author and year.
Ex : Ce document est extrait du journal / du magazine / du site internet…
Il a été publié …. + date (si elle est marquée)
Il a été écrit par … + auteur (il vous le savez) Le document parle de…
3. Announce your plan:
Use connectors and the simple future tense.
Ex : Tout d’abord, je commencerai par…, ensuite je parlerai de… et pour finir, j’aborderai…
4. Give your personal opinion by expressing nuances with arguments and counter-arguments:
A major idea always goes with an example. Present at least 3 big ideas.
Ex : À mon avis
Selon moi
Je trouve (pense / crois) que
Je suis pour / contre
Il me semble que
Bien que je comprenne que..." (Although I understand that…).
5. Express your ideas using examples
Present ideas to explain the topic :
Advantages / disadvantages
Problems / solutions
Different proposals
You can use examples from the text but also provide concrete and personal examples. This will make your arguments more convincing.
Ex : "Par exemple, dans ma propre expérience..." ou “En effet, l’année dernière ma cousine s’est retrouvé dans cette situation et donc elle a….)
You should try to structure and organize your presentation using connectors.
Ex : D’une part / D’autre part
D’abord / Ensuite / Puis / Enfin
Donc / C’est pourquoi
6.Conclude in summary:
Your conclusion should be kept simple. Summarize your opinion without introducing new ideas, you can also repeat the strongest points of your monologue.
Ex : "En conclusion, je pense que..."
7. Invite the examiner to ask you questions to start the debate:
Ex : Je vous remercie pour votre attention. Avez-vous des questions ?
In this last part of the discussion, the examiner will ask you questions so that you explain something that you said, or to talk about a subject related to the theme that you would have discussed.
If you don't understand a question, don't hesitate to ask the examiner to repeat or ask them to rephrase the question. By using, of course, polite expressions (excuse me, please…).
Remember to speak clearly, use a variety of vocabulary and structures, and try to express your ideas coherently.
Here is an example of expressing your point of view on an environmental topic for the DELF B1 exam
Subject : Pensez-vous que les individus peuvent réellement faire une différence dans la protection de l'environnement ?
Bonjour Madame / Bonjour Monsieur,
Aujourd'hui, je vais vous donner mon point de vue sur la question de savoir si les individus peuvent réellement faire une différence dans la protection de l'environnement.
Tout d’abord, je commencerai par les petites actions individuelles qui ont un grand impact, ensuite je parlerai de l’influence sur les entreprises et les gouvernements et pour finir, j’aborderai l’importance de l'éducation et de la sensibilisation.
À mon avis, oui, les individus peuvent avoir un impact significatif et jouer un rôle crucial dans la préservation de notre planète.
Tout d'abord, les actions individuelles, même petites, peuvent s'additionner pour créer un changement important. Par exemple, si chacun réduisait sa consommation de plastique, la quantité globale de déchets plastiques diminuerait considérablement. Utiliser des sacs réutilisables, des bouteilles d'eau en acier inoxydable, et éviter les produits sur-emballés sont des gestes simples mais efficaces.
Ensuite, les individus peuvent influencer les entreprises et les gouvernements. En tant que consommateurs, nous avons le pouvoir de choisir des produits respectueux de l'environnement et d'encourager les entreprises à adopter des pratiques durables. De plus, en participant à des mouvements écologiques et en votant pour des politiques environnementales, nous pouvons pousser les gouvernements à prendre des mesures concrètes contre le changement climatique.
De plus, l'éducation et la sensibilisation sont des aspects essentiels. En partageant des informations sur les problèmes environnementaux et en montrant l'exemple, nous pouvons inspirer d'autres personnes à agir. Par exemple, le compostage des déchets organiques ou la réduction de notre consommation d'énergie à la maison sont des habitudes que nous pouvons transmettre à notre entourage. Les campagnes de sensibilisation et les initiatives communautaires peuvent également jouer un rôle crucial dans la promotion de comportements écologiques.
Cependant, il est vrai que les efforts individuels ne suffisent pas à eux seuls. En effet, il est nécessaire que les entreprises et les gouvernements prennent également des mesures ambitieuses pour lutter contre la pollution et le changement climatique. Mais les actions individuelles créent une base de soutien et de pression qui peut conduire à des changements systémiques plus larges.
En conclusion, je crois fermement que les individus peuvent faire une différence dans la protection de l'environnement. Nos actions quotidiennes, combinées à une influence sur les politiques et les entreprises, peuvent contribuer à un avenir plus durable pour notre planète.
Je vous remercie pour votre attention. Avez-vous des questions ?
Here are some questions the examiner might ask after your monologue:
- Pouvez-vous partager une action personnelle que vous faites pour protéger l'environnement ?
- Selon vous, quel est le plus grand défi environnemental auquel nous faisons face aujourd'hui ?
- Comment pouvons-nous encourager plus de gens à adopter des comportements écologiques ?
- Pensez-vous que les jeunes générations sont plus sensibles aux questions environnementales ? Pourquoi ?
- Que pensez-vous des initiatives comme les grèves pour le climat ou les mouvements écologiques menés par des jeunes comme Greta Thunberg ?
Prepare for these questions by thinking about detailed answers and expressing yourself clearly.
DELF B1 courses with French via Skype, how does it work?
To feel confident taking the DELF B1 oral exam, it is essential to practice speaking on a variety of topics, engage in conversations and be prepared to express your opinions and experiences in French and practice delivering monologues on different topics to improve your speaking skills for the exam.
At French via Skype, we help you prepare for the DELF B1 speaking parts as well as the other parts of the exam, guaranteeing you 100% success!
Our DELF B1 courses are delivered online via Skype, Zoom or Teams or on the platform of your choice covering all aspects of the French language in order to
Our DELF tuition is personalized, tailored to your specific needs and pace allowing you to achieve your goals more effectively than in a group or classroom setting.
- We will design a personalized study plan for you, based on your specific needs and your language level.
- We offer an effective preparation with tailored learning materials (full range of DELF B1 ressources and assessments).
- Our French lessons target key areas such as listening, reading, writing and speaking and meticulously work on each grammar point such as French connectors or the subjunctive to ensure that each area meets the requirements required for the DELF B1 exams.
- For homework, we will assign you work to practice grammar if necessary, develop your vocabulary and prepare written and oral comprehension, written and oral production tasks. The homework will then be prepared and reviewed by your teacher.
- We offer you great planning flexibility. Our French tutor is available all year, during the holidays and after work hours.
At French via Skype, we are happy to support DELF B1 students to guarantee their success at exams.
Some testimonials from students who have prepared for the DELF B1 exam with us are below.
“Laure was a great support during my preparation for DELF B1, thanks to her courses, I was able to pass with flying colors with a score of 92%!
We worked on each part of the exam, and she made me review all the vocabulary for each of the themes and she was able to make me assimilate the required grammar in a methodical way, this helped me a lot because I had quite a bit of gaps in my writing.
Not only was I able to pass my DELF exam but I also gained confidence with my speaking which helped a great deal in my day to day life. I highly recommend Laure's classes to anyone who wants to take the DELF! Thank you Laure!
Suzanna Langle - Researcher
(DELF B1) Brussels 2021/2022
“Laure was recommended to me by one of my former colleagues. I therefore contacted her without hesitation to help me prepare for the DELF B1 in order to motivate me in learning French and above all to help me communicate better in my professional environment, mainly French-speaking. These few weeks of classes allowed me to arrive perfectly prepared for the exam, which I successfully passed! I have decided to aim for B2 from now on! Thank you Laure for your availability and professionalism! "
Dr Patrick Tan
(DELF B1) Brussels 2019/2020
" Having studied French for several years in high school, I took up re-learning the language and preparing for the DELF after my undergraduate medical studies to maintain my connection and interest with the French culture. Laure was fantastic as a teacher and mentor during this experience, and was a highly supportive, encouraging and engaging teacher. Her lessons were structured around the exam topics in such a way that I could not have felt better prepared going in. On a personal note, her flexibility to reorganise certain lessons around my work schedule, as well as her weekly homework tasks to keep our knowledge and learning to the highest standards were highlights of working and learning with her, making for a very enjoyable and smooth studying experience alongside working full-time. I was able to pass my DELF B1 exam despite being out of touch with the language for over 7 years prior to Laure’s lesson- a true testament to her ability as a teacher, and would have no doubt recommending her to future students as one of the best options to prepare for your DELF exam, irrespective of your level! ”
Dr Abhi Shekhsrinivas
Doctor - Hong Kong - 2018
At French via Skype, we specialize in preparation for the DELF B1 exam, you can certify your French language level well-equipped and with complete confidence.
If you would like to discuss your needs with us, we will be pleased to develop a teaching plan for you.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to sign up for lessons.
À bientôt !