IB French tutoring to prepare for your oral exam


You are looking for IB French tutoring to prepare for your oral exam?
At French via Skype, our IB French tutoring guaranteeing you 100% success at the final exams!

Our IB French tutoring targets key areas such as listening, reading, writing and speaking and works meticulously to ensure that each area meets the standards required for the IB diploma at beginner level (Ab Initio), Standard (IB SL) and Higher (IB HL) for a range of students of all levels.

Prepare for your Individual Oral Examination with our IB French tutoring

The IB exams consist of 4 tests, the listening part, the reading and comprehension part, the written part as well as the speaking part.

For many the IB oral exam is the most dreaded and can be challenging.
Some students find the IB French oral quite daunting compared to other exams, especially for those who do not have the opportunity to speak French regularly.

The oral production test represents 25% of the final mark.

The SL and HL French IB oral assessments are done a little differently.
During the HL French IB oral, you must give a presentation based on a literary work that you have studied during the year. You will have 20 minutes to prepare what you would like to say on the subject.
While during the French SL oral exam, you will have to choose between two images related to the 5 themes of the IB French syllabus. You will then have approximately 15 minutes to develop a plan for your oral presentation and prepare for a conversation.

In this post, we are going to delve deeper into the subject of the IB (SL) Individual Oral Examination.

What does your IB Individual Oral Exam consist of?

As mentioned, the Oral IB focuses on the five themes of the course: identities, experiences, human ingenuity, social organization and sharing the planet.

This assessment aims to measure the ability of students to understand and produce a communication in French, as well as to use it during an interview with the examiner.
You must describe and comment on an image related to one of the 5 themes and then answer the questions, and you must engage in a conversation on the subject, with the teacher; then the teacher will address at least one of the 5 themes mentioned in a general conversation.

At French via Skype our IB French tutoring will assist you in a tailored way so that you can describe the image methodically and feel at ease during the exam.

Here are some tips to prepare for your oral IB :

You have 15 minutes to prepare the presentation of the visual stimulus.
During this time you can take notes, then organize them. You should enter the examination room with a maximum of ten lines.
By answering the questions below, you will create a structured presentation and provide all the important information about the visual stimulus and its subject. You can use vocabulary and expressions proposed to improve your presentation.

Questions to help you structure your presentation :

1. Que voit-on sur le stimulus visuel ? (What do we see in the visual stimulus?)

2. Où se passe la scène ? (Where does the scene take place?)

3. Qui sont les personnages ? Que font-ils ? (Who are the characters? What are they doing ?)

4. Quel sujet ou quel thème est illustré par le stimulus visuel ? (What topic or theme is illustrated by the visual stimulus?)

5. Que savez-vous de ce sujet ? ( What do you know about this topic?)

6. Quel lien pouvez-vous établir avec la culture francophone ? (What connection can you establish with French-speaking culture?)

7. Quel lien pourriez-vous établir avec votre propre culture ? (What connection could you make with your own culture?)

8. Que pensez-vous de ce stimulus visuel ? (What do you think of this visual stimulus?)

Here is the structure that you can follow as well as some key expressions :


Cette photo aborde le thème de …

La photo que j’ai sous les yeux parle de...

J’ai choisi la photo qui traite du sujet de...

Présentation générale

La photo montre....

Sur cette photo, il y a ....

L’action de cette photo / de cette image se situe...

Au premier plan

Au premier plan, on peut voir...

Le premier plan montre...

A l’arrière plan

Au fond de la photo, on peut voir...

A l’arrière plan, il y a ...

Où et quand  - probabilités?

On devine que l’action se passe à (city/ country) parce que....

Il est probable que la photo a été prise en (saison) car....(weather)

Je crois que...

Il est possible que + subjonctive...


Les gens ont l’air + adj

Ils portent (clothes description)

Opinion (link with the issue the picture is talking about)

Cette image me fait penser à ...(this image makes me think of...).  En effet... (compare with something similar and personal).

Il est vrai qu’aujourd’hui, on peut….

Partout dans le monde, il est maintenant possible de ...

Ce serait bien....

To allow you to review oral vocabulary, you can also consult this quizlet

IB French tutoring with French via Skype, how does it work ?

At French via Skype our IB French tutoring support you so you feel confortable during the oral exam and get the best marks!

Your IB French tutor will provide personalised French classes covering all aspects of the French IB curriculum and exams, whether for the IB Diploma at beginner level (Ab Initio), standard (IB SL) and higher level (IB HL) for a range of students of all different abilities.
Our teaching method to prepare for the IB exam is adapted to each student, you will progress effectively, your IB French tutor always make sure to make every lesson lively and interactive!

Our private IB French lessons are delivered online via Skype, Zoom or Teams or on the platform of your choice covering all aspects of IB French curriculum in order to best support you in your objectives.

Our IB French tutoring is personalized, tailored to your specific needs and pace allowing you to achieve your goals more effectively than in the classroom setting.

  • We will design a personalized study plan for you, based on your specific needs and your language level.
  • We offer an effective preparation with tailored learning materials (full range of IB French grammar, ressources and assessments).
  • Our IB French lessons target key areas such as listening, reading, writing and speaking and meticulously work on each IB French grammar point such as French connectors or the subjunctive to ensure that each area meets the requirements required for the IB French exams.
  • For homework, we will assign you work to practice grammar if necessary, develop your vocabulary and prepare written and oral comprehension, written and oral production tasks. The homework will then be prepared and reviewed.
  • We offer you great planning flexibility. Our IB French tutor is available all year, during the holidays and after work hours.

At French via Skype, we are happy to support IB French students in their IB French diploma studies to guarantee their success.

Some testimonials from students who have taken our IB French tutoring are below.

"I have studied French for an overall of 11 years but only started classes with Laure 3 years ago, and can say as someone who's had multiple French teachers prior, that she has been the most key to the improvement of both my academic and conversational French. I first looked into Laure to guide me through French in the IB as it is quite rigorous and academic which I had not encountered before. Since then, we have done a range of activities, from practicing speaking about topics which could come up in my speaking exams, to exercising my academic French by writing debates, letters and dissertations.
As someone who is an introvert, I was very shy when first starting my classes with Laure especially as I had never had a native French teacher before and therefore assumed she had higher expectations. I still remember my first class with Laure where, instead, she was incredibly patient, warm and supportive. Since then, my writing, speaking, reading and listening skills have majorly advanced to which I've received comments from family, school teachers and even french-speaking friends concerning how much my French has improved! Even though I have graduated, I continue my classes with Laure to allow me to ease back into conversational French which is always the highlight of my week. Therefore, I highly recommend Laure if you're studying French as a beginner, an intermediate level or even if you would like to learn it as a hobby. “

Audrey Stewart
Medical student - Sydney

“ I had the privilege of working with Laure to prepare for my IB SL exams during year 11 and 12, she helped me a lot, without her I would not have been able to achieve this result. She showed great patience and pushed and encouraged me in each of her classes. Laure is perfectly familiar with the IB program and the expectations of the final exams. She took the time to have me regularly repeat the vocabulary of the themes covered in class, she explained the grammar in a clear and structured way so that I could integrate it into my written tasks. She brought me many resources and in particular many previous papers with which I practiced, in particular oral production for which I had a lot of apprehension. In the end, I’m really happy with my overall mark! Thank you Laure! ”

Patrick Tan
IB French student - Melbourne

“ I took Laure's classes for my French IB during my last two years at school. She has in-depth knowledge of the specific requirements of the IB French program, and her ability to clarify complex concepts greatly facilitated my understanding of the language but also of the different themes covered in class. She took the time to understand my specific needs which were mainly in grammar to adapt her teaching methods. Thanks to her continued support during our sessions, I was able to gain confidence in my abilities to speak French and I was able to pass the end-of-year exams with flying colors, particularly the oral exam that I dreaded so much. I highly recommend Laure as an IB French tutor. Her professionalism and expertise were essential assets to my success. “

IB French student - Melbourne

" I started having lessons with Laure in January 2016 as I was having some difficulties at school with my IB French. Our lessons considerably improved my marks and my comprehension of the language. Each lesson, we worked on vocabulary, grammar and we did a lot of exercises too (dictation, writing and comprehension), all of that helped me to achieve some really good marks and i successfully passed my French IB exams at the end of the year! I really enjoyed our lessons and would like to recommend Laure to other students who need support with their French ".

Lea Kroot
IB student - Brussels

If you are interested in our IB French tutoring, please do not hesitate to us at French via Skype if you have any questions or if you would like to sign up for lessons.

À bientôt !