Is DELF B2 difficult ?


You are interested in taking the DELF B2 and wonder what is the difficulty level of the exam?
At French via Skype, our DELF French tutor helps you prepare for the exams to feel confident and get the best marks!

Is DELF B2 difficult ?

The difficulty of the DELF B2 exam can vary depending on your level of proficiency in French and your familiarity with the format of the exam. Generally speaking, the DELF B2 exam is considered to be an intermediate-advanced level test.
It assesses your ability to communicate effectively in French in various situations, both written and oral.

For many learners, reaching a B2 level can be challenging because it requires a good command of grammar, vocabulary, and the ability to express oneself fluently and coherently. However, with adequate preparation and practice, achieving success on the DELF B2 exam is definitely feasible.

Here's a general overview of what to expect:

  1. Language Proficiency: The DELF B2 exam assesses an intermediate level of French proficiency. At this level, candidates are expected to have a good command of the language, including grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing, listening, and speaking skills.
  2. Complexity: The DELF B2 exam tasks become more complex compared to lower levels. Candidates are required to express opinions, argue points of view, and handle a wider range of topics with greater precision and fluency.
  3. Format: The DELF B2 exam typically consists of four sections: Listening Comprehension, Reading Comprehension, Writing, and Speaking. Each section presents different challenges, such as understanding spoken and written texts, producing written texts, and engaging in spoken interaction.
  4. Time Constraints: Time management can be a challenge in the DELF B2 exam, as candidates have a limited amount of time to complete each section. It's essential to practice time management strategies to ensure all tasks are completed within the allotted time.
  5. Preparation: Adequate preparation is key to success in the DELF B2 exam. This includes practicing all language skills regularly, familiarizing oneself with the exam format, completing practice exams.

Overall, while the DELF B2 exam can be challenging, it is certainly achievable with dedicated preparation and practice. Many candidates successfully pass the exam each year, demonstrating their proficiency in the French language at an intermediate level.

At French via Skype we support you to prepare for the DELF B2 exam, so that you practice all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Prepare for the DELF B2 exam with our French tutor

At French via Skype, our French tutor is a native French with international experience with more than 20 years' teaching French in Europe and has had the opportunity to accompany many students across the world in order to best support them in their learning of French.
Certified in FLE (French as a Foreign Language), our French tutor has great expertise in the different levels of French required for the different DELF and DALF exams (for adults and children) and will be able to guide you throughout your learning of the language in order to that your level meets the specific expectations of the DELF and DALF exams, knowing exactly what difficulties candidates may have when preparing for exams of this type and guaranteeing you 100% success!

DELF B2 courses with French via Skype, how does it work?

At French via Skype, we helps you prepare to reach the French B2 level, guaranteeing you 100% success at the DELF B2 exam.

Our private DELF B2 courses are delivered online via Skype, Zoom or Teams or on the platform of your choice covering all aspects of the French language in order to best support you in your objectives.

Our DELF B2 tuition is personalized, tailored to your specific needs and pace allowing you to achieve your goals more effectively than in a group or classroom setting.

  • We will design a personalized study plan for you, based on your specific needs and your language level.
  • We offer an effective preparation with tailored learning materials (full range of B2 grammar, ressources and assessments).
  • Our French lessons target key areas such as listening, reading, writing and speaking and meticulously work on each DELF B2 grammar point such as French connectors or the subjunctive to ensure that each area meets the requirements required for the French B2 exams.
  • For homework, we will assign you work to practice grammar if necessary, develop your vocabulary and prepare written and oral comprehension, written and oral production tasks. The homework will then be prepared and reviewed.
  • We offer you great planning flexibility. Our DELF French tutor is available all year, during the holidays and after work hours.

At French via Skype, we are happy to support DELF B2 students to guarantee their success at the exam.

Some testimonials from students who have prepared for the DELF B2 exam with us are below.

“ Achieving a pass grade on the DELF B2 examination was a prerequisite for my doctoral program. Having spent half a decade studying French in a North American high school, I was confident that self-study would suffice. However, the reality was more challenging than anticipated, and I found myself floundering on my first attempt with a disappointing score in the 40s. That's when I enlisted the help of Laure. With her in-depth expertise and professional demeanor, she swiftly discerned my weak points and devised an astute, targeted plan to help me overcome them. Her assignments were also well curated to improve my skills and rigorous enough to have me studying 7 hours a week to keep up. Although I hesitated initially at the cost, her lessons showed me that it was well worth it. In just eleven sessions, Laure remarkably helped me boost my score by approximately 30 points, culminating in a pass mark of 71.5 at my second attempt. My primary obstacle was my speaking ability, a skill I hadn't had the chance to hone in years. I also struggled with key grammatical structures vital for the exam. Laure didn't merely teach me how to succeed in the DELF exam, but she also substantially elevated my overall French language proficiency. Should I dare to take on the DELF C1 exam, I would unquestionably reach out to Laure without a second thought. For anyone endeavoring to excel in a French language examination or aspiring to enhance their French speaking abilities, Laure can definitely help."

Yuri Han, PhD student
(DELF B2) Seoul, South Korea

" Laure has been an absolutely incredible teacher, and I’ve passed my B2 with 92%! That is a fantastic improvement on my mark in the B1, done prior to our lessons. I get a huge amount of practice in all areas in the lesson, and we did plenty of mock exams of all types. After the session I promptly receive a list of vocab I couldn’t remember or didn’t know, words I mispronounced and really good homework focused on issues that came up in the lesson or things I have asked to work on. I’m continuing with lessons even after the exam, which really speaks volumes about how much I enjoy them, and I’m so delighted to now be able to tackle novels I previously had to give up on. I’ve really seen a huge improvement in my French, and crucially also in my confidence with the language. With plenty of encouragement and a huge amount of skill, Laure has helped me exceed my expectations! "

Katherine Rybacki, Researcher
(DELF B2) Geneva, Switzerland

” Laure is an excellent teacher not only because she knows very well the material, but also because she is extremely well organised. During the lessons, Laure gives you the confidence to talk, and she also spots the parts that need more attention. In this way, she provides students with enough material to practice and improve. Due to my working schedule, I decided to take online lessons. I was very hesitant at the beginning, but my experience with Laure has been excellent! I have never taken any additional lessons, and I only watch tv in French from time to time. With Laure, I passed the DELF B2. “

Diana Pacheco, Researcher
(DELF B2) Fribourg -Switzerland

" I have had lessons with Laure for a year. One year ago I was at A1/A2 level, despite lessons and an A at GCSE level. My initial aim was to obtain the B2 DELF in order to work with French speakers, here in Switzerland. From the start Laure was able to recognise the errors I commonly made and would write these down so that I could learn them, she would then test me in the following lesson. She positively encouraged me to speak, write, read and listen throughout this time. Laure would check my written work in between lessons and was always happy to help. She even bought the B2 DELF practice exam book that i was using, so that she could help me. have been to University and had Post graduate teaching in medical studies. I can truly say that Laure is one of the kindest, most dedicated, thoughtful, professional and effective teachers that i know. She is methodical and offers structure to her lessons. She possesses the characteristics and qualities of a great teacher. I do not use this term lightly, I have had several other teachers but she stands out from the crowd. I worked hard and passed the B2 in November 2017, thanks to Laure. Since then Laure has continued to help me to gain confidence in my profession. She has shown herself to be adept at learning medical terminology as well as using different teaching styles to help me. Thank you Laure, you have helped me so much to realise my dreams. Last year, I was successful in a interview in French. In 2018 I start work in a 100% french environment. I believe that Laure can help anyone to learn French to a high level and boost your confidence at the same time. If you are motivated, she will help you. If you are discouraged she will help you find your courage. "

Dr Steve P
(DELF B2) Lausanne

At French via Skype, we specialize in preparation for the DELF B2 exam, you can certify your French language level well-equipped and with complete confidence.

If you would like to discuss your needs with us, we will be pleased to develop a teaching plan for you.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to sign up for lessons.

À bientôt !